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Description: ANDROID 通讯录 是一个简单的实例,有添加、删除、排序等功能 -ANDROID Address Book is a simple example, there are add, delete, sort functions
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: bugatti | Hits:

[Software EngineeringContact-src

Description: 一份Android通讯录的源码实例! -Android source code example of an address book! Android source code example of an address book!
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: Joe | Hits:


Description: android 通讯录,适合初学者学习代码-android address book, suitable for beginners to learn the code
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: bok | Hits:


Description: 基于android的通讯录简单源代码,供android爱好者参考。-Address book based on the android source code
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 丁浩 | Hits:


Description: 这是其中的几个案例源码: 1 图片浏览器 2 文件浏览器 3 通讯录 4 任务管理器 5 音乐播放器 6 天气预报 7 多媒体播放器 8短信语音播报 9手机远程监控 12贪吃蛇游戏 -android mobile development case Xiang Jie, a dozen cases, this is one of several cases Source: 1 Image file browser, the browser 2 3 4 Task Manager, Address Book Music Player 5 6 7 Weather SMS Media Player 8 Mobile remote monitoring voice broadcast 9 12 Snake game
Platform: | Size: 3102720 | Author: 翁志雄 | Hits:


Description: 1 图片浏览器 2 文件浏览器 3 通讯录 4 任务管理器 5 音乐播放器 6 天气预报 7 多媒体播放器 8短信语音播报-An image file browser, the browser 2 3 4 Task Manager, Address Book 5 6 music player, multimedia player weather 7 8 broadcast voice messages
Platform: | Size: 3085312 | Author: sven | Hits:


Description: 手机上通讯录的功能,用Android编程实现,用到了数据库的知识。-Mobile phone address book function, with Android programming, uses a database of knowledge.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: lixiang | Hits:


Description: 基于android平台的通讯录,android 1.6-Android platform based on the address book, android 1.6
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: san_ge | Hits:


Description: 功能强大的Android平台SIP视频电话软件,可以支持通信录直接读取联系人,并发起视频呼叫。-Powerful SIP video phone software Android platform can support read directly address book contacts, and initiate a video call.
Platform: | Size: 2028544 | Author: 黄云燕 | Hits:


Description: android 个人通讯录 包含新增 删除 查询 修改-android personal address book contains new delete query modification
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 老林 | Hits:


Description: 简易的android通讯录。实质上是SQLite的测试,有数据库的增、删、改、查功能。-Android simple address book. SQLite is essentially a test, a database, delete, change, search functions.
Platform: | Size: 2550784 | Author: morgan | Hits:


Description: 照着[Android项目视频教程]通讯录的开发写的,自己优化了一点东西-andoid address book
Platform: | Size: 2524160 | Author: 刘莹 | Hits:


Description: 《Android移动开发案例详解》作为《Android平台手机软件开发》系列丛书的第二本分册,通过10多个实际的开发案例对Android平台展开详细的实战介绍,内容涉及应用程序(如图片浏览器、文件浏览器、通讯录、任务管理器等),实用软件(如音乐播放器、天气预报、多媒体播放器、短信语音播报、手机远程监控器等),游戏软件(如JetBoy、连连看、贪吃蛇等)以及其他程序的详细开发过程。-" Android mobile development Case Comments," as the " Android platform mobile software development," the second series of the volumes, by more than 10 real cases on the Android platform to start development of a detailed practical introduction, covering applications (such as Picture Viewer , file browser, address book, task management, etc.), utility software (such as music players, weather, multimedia player, SMS, voice broadcast, mobile remote monitoring, etc.), games, software (such as JetBoy, Lianliankan, greed eat snakes, etc.) and other details of the program development process.
Platform: | Size: 13660160 | Author: 远行 | Hits:


Description: 一个小型Android通讯录,功能:添加、删除、修改、查找、联系人头像添加,数据的备份、还原-A small Android address book functions: add, delete, modify, search, add contact picture, data backup, restore,
Platform: | Size: 3868672 | Author: yuepengtao | Hits:


Description: Android高仿QQ通讯录界面效果和功能参照QQ通讯录设计基本打电话,发短信,收短信功能都实现。比如拨号键盘的界面、号码编辑框,里面还有拼音帮助类,将字符串中的中文转化为拼音,其他字符不变。像获取联系人的列表、筛选查询后的数据list、选中的联系人名字、选中的联系人号码、选中多少个需要删除的联系人、得到字母列的对象,并设置触摸响应监听器等通讯录相关功能,都是值得新手学习的。-Android address book interface effects of high imitation QQ QQ contacts reference design and functionality of the basic call, send SMS, receive SMS functions are achieved. For example, dial keyboard interface, number edit box, there is also a spelling help class, string Chinese into pinyin, other characters unchanged. Like to get a list of contacts, filter the data list after a query, select the contact name, select a contact number, the number you want to delete the selected contacts, get the letters column of the object and set the touch response of the listener, such as Address Book related functions, are worthy of novices learning.
Platform: | Size: 2223104 | Author: 闫忠胜 | Hits:


Description: 安卓实现通讯簿按英语之母排列,别可以再任意字母间切换-Android implementation address book arranged according to the mother of English, don t be able to switch between any letter
Platform: | Size: 468992 | Author: gg | Hits:

[androidAndroid QQ

Description: Android源码 仿QQ列表通讯录项目(Android source code, imitation QQ list address book entries)
Platform: | Size: 2884608 | Author: 傅某某 | Hits:


Description: android模仿通讯录功能,添加,删除,分组联系人(Android imitate the address book function, add, delete, group contacts)
Platform: | Size: 5107712 | Author: 大龄 | Hits:


Description: 7个安卓程序的源代码,里面包含城市天气、文件管理、移动地图、音乐播放器、通讯录、铃声管理、日历(The source code of 7 Android programs includes urban weather, file management, mobile map, music player, address book, ringtone management, calendar.)
Platform: | Size: 671744 | Author: StevenLEE1004 | Hits:


Description: Android应用源码实现手机通讯录效果源码(Android application source code to achieve mobile phone address book effect source)
Platform: | Size: 1147904 | Author: 金刀灬 | Hits:
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